Saturday, November 22, is our third annual Meet the Mammals event. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about the rich diversity of the world’s mammals by examining over one hundred skulls, skins and skeletons. This is your chance to get answers to the questions you’ve been dying to ask about mammals. Some of the questions I’ve come up with are:
Is it true that the Pacific Northwest is home to both the largest (beaver) and smallest (little pocket mouse) rodents in North America?
- What do wolverines, wolves, and walrus’ share?
- Are blesboks, grysboks or blackbucks found in Washington state?
- Isn’t an elephant shrew an oxymoron?
- Can a mammal without hair still be a mammal?
A team of mammalogists from the Burke Museum and folks from the Woodland Park Zoo, Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium, Seattle Aquarium and Guild of Natural Science Illustration will be on hand to provide answers to these questions, share examples of specimens up close and answer any questions you can come up with. So come check it out from 10 am – 4 pm this Saturday - free with museum admission.